
Everyone heals differently and has different experiences to heal from but if there is a possibility it may help someone by sharing this, then why not? So this is what I did:

  • I immediately focused on all the negative memories (the good memories don't allow you to let go easily) 
  • Educated myself on facts of what abuse is like and how abusers typically act
  • Reminded myself everyday that time will heal
  • Blocked the person on the phone and all social media
  • Started developing self awareness because I lost my identity, and the person that I turned into during that relationship was not who I was before it, or after it
  • A ton of self reflection and I worked on my self confidence and will continue to work on it and focused on what other parts of my life made me happy 
  • It definitely isn't always the case but understanding that sometimes you get caught up in these situations because you have a troubled past you have to accept, for example, perhaps you learned the love language of your parents and they didn't speak to each other in a loving way and it became a norm for you, or that you are just an emotional person that wants to help people and love them but you unfortunately encountered someone that didn't share the same values as you, you need to find out what happened in your unique story, then accept it and grow from it.