Bad Words

For me the emotional damage was so much harder to deal with than any physical hurt I endured. The wounds on your heart don't heal as fast as the bruises on your body. 

He would call me beautiful, hilarious, that he wanted me to have his children one day, that I owned the key to his heart, that he trusted me with his life, he gave me all the attention I could ever ask for, he wanted to speak to me all the time saying he couldn't get enough of me but slowly over time he would start making 'jokes' about how stupid I was and things would just progress if he decided he was angry at something I did. I would remind myself of the good times, after all everyone has bad days.
C**t, worthless, c*mbucket, bitch, were some of the words he started to call me and sometimes I would convince myself he's just angry about something else, he doesn't mean what he said or I would shrug it off that he must just be joking and I should just laugh it off. Only there were times that I would hit such a low that I believed him. If this person I loved so much and that I treated so well could think this about me then wouldn't everyone else see me the same way? He isolated me by taking up so much of my attention that I hardly saw other friends so I wouldn't know how they felt about me. I felt disconnected from my family because I would lash out on them all the time if they asked where I was or who I was with, I couldn't tell them it was with him, they hated him, what if they made it impossible for me to keep seeing him, nothing was going to keep me away from him, he was the center of my universe, he constantly called me, we would be on the phone for hours and hours he would ask me where I was or who I was with if I was out. When actions like these become habitual they become 'normal' to you. 

Excessive control isn't romantic and neither is speaking to someone with disrespect.

If someone is treating you badly they are showing you how much value you hold in their eyes. Recognize your worth.