Before anyone calls me stupid and naive, yes this all happened between the ages 18-20 but at whatever age this happens to someone doesn't make it right, it can happen to anyone that loves deeply, anyone at any age, gender, race, level of success or confidence, it's not all low income, poor self esteemed people that deal with this like the media sometimes portrays it. No one should ever get bullied or blamed for ending up in a situation where another person could not reciprocate love in a healthy way.

We need to teach each other love and growth. So if you have ever bullied someone before you can make the choice to change. 

I believe we are all beautiful beings that have the capability to make positive changes. 

I'm here to point out the unhealthy aspects of a relationship like this although the emotions are deep and make it seem like it's some epic romance. It isn't. I don't wish to glorify a dysfunctional situation but there are times an abuser will romance you and give you nice things but afterwards make you feel worthless and this cycle continues on. The roller coaster of bringing you up so high to then bring you down feels intense and makes you feel addicted to an unhealthy state of mind. There's chemicals that go off in your brain. There's science behind this. It can feel like asking a person to quit a drug and sober up, its not a very easy thing to do. I can only speak for my own experiences but if there are children involved it's an even harder situation, a huge thank you to anyone who has ever been able to have the strength to leave the situation, survive and thrive for the sake of their children.